Friday, February 25, 2011

Too Much!

This week has been beyond busy, between classes, my volunteer work, and Tuesdays (all pizzas are buy one get one free, and movies are $1.85 at the theater!) I found it really hard to balance my life with school, social, and blogging time. Thus, I regret to inform you that I failed again, and am now 2 weeks late on my next post.

Two weekends ago we went to Cuenca, a beautiful city full of parks and ancient churches, it was amazing. While there, we visited one of the most complete Incan Ruins, and a small town that specializes in gold and silver working. It was all really cool and relaxing at the same time, even though on that day, we took 10 busses for about 6 hours total, kind of madness. You'll get all the details when I get the post up (I'm halfway finished as it is) on Monday.

Last weekend we decided to stay in Quito and do all the touristy things that we had never had the chance to do. We visited an amazing church in which we climbed up to the tallest belfry, an amazing view. All capped off by a BBQ at my friend's building. That was a whole different story in itself, charcoal is not my forte.

All is going to be posted later, with pictures of course. This weekend we're headed to a little town in the middle of the Amazon Jungle, should be quite the experience. Wish me luck, and I'll get my ass in gear next week to get those three posts up.



1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to Monday's post :)
    It's 20 degrees outside, snow covering everything except the streets. Not quite the Amazon jungle.....
