Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Top 10 things that remind me I'm still White.

10. While walking down the street, I never get a response after saying "buenas tardes" (good afternoon)
9. I'd rather pay the extra money to ride a cab than take the city busses (they don't stop; you have to jump on and off - not my forte)
8. I get frustrated when it takes more than 30 seconds to load a YouTube video (at times up to 10 minutes!)
7. We were too nervous to explore for a bar by foot, so we settled for the T.G.I. Fridays we were in front of
6. I can't buy anything without speaking at least one word of English
5. I constantly look over my shoulders while carrying any more than $10, even with $5 in each front pocket for best protection
4. I ate Pizza Hut for lunch today (personal pepperoni pizza, cheese fries, and a drink for $3.25!) instead of going home for an authentic meal
3. I'll start sweating in jeans and a t shirt when it's sunny, while the locals are bundled up in pants, jacket, and a hat
2. I'm still not used to throwing used toilet paper in the TRASH, not the toilet (don't know if I'll ever get used to that)
1. I get sun burned the first day I spend around town (good thing I brought my Aloe Vera- like every good Whitey)


  1. get a good suntan, dye your hair black, quit eating at Pizza Hut, buy a man-purse that you can hang around your neck and practice quick jumps on and off the back porch....

  2. Blairsy!!! I did the Pizza Hut thing reggggularly, know how it feels. So proud of you and loving the blog! Hope you're having fun and don't speak better spanish than me when you return :)

  3. OH! and I found it you drop the tardes, they somehow start responding. like "buenas" by itself makes you less of a touristy creep. don't know why.... hope it helps!

  4. Blair, can you please put a picture of your house and your family on your blog? I really want to see where you're living, and the lucky people that you're living with :)
    love you, mom
